Boston Creates is a citywide cultural planning effort led by the Mayor’s office of Arts & Culture with support of the Barr Foundation and executives at Boston’s largest cultural institutions.
Did you know San Francisco leads the nation in public funding for arts at a whopping $88 per capita? New York spends about $18 per capita and Boston's is just over $1. Yes, one dollar.
As a member of the Leadership Council, I'll be working with community and arts leaders to craft a strategic plan informed by ongoing community forums and the survey linked below. We were asked to solicit survey participation from cultural tastemakers, artists and arts advocates.
We have a dedicated team of leaders prepared to invest time and resources to ensure this strategic plan is actionable, and ultimately implemented. Let me know if you'd like to learn more about the effort. Please consider yourself invited to this cultural awakening!
“Together, we can shape Boston’s creative future.”